

1. Make leafy vegetables crunchy again- Cut the stem off and separate the stalks. Add     3/4 cup granulated sugar to a vessel filled with cold water. Now place vegetables in     it. Soak for 4 to 5 hours. Drain well and refrigerate.

2. Storing Onion paste- Paste of raw onions would turn bitter after a while. For longer     storage life, fry onions in little oil before grinding.

3. Maintain bright green color of peas- Put the peas in boiling hot water and let it boil.     Drain. Pour chilled water. Drain.

4. Prevent discoloration of green leafy vegetables- Add a pinch of common salt and     sugar to the cooking vegetable so as to avoid discoloration of green leafy     vegetables.

5. Onion peeling without crying- Peel onions under water to avoid "crying". Another     option is to refrigerate onions before cutting.

6.  Keep green leafy vegetables fresh for longer time- Wrap green leafy vegetables in a      newspaper before putting in the vegetable bag or tray. This will keep them fresh      much longer.

7.  Keep celery fresh for longer time- Celery wrapped in aluminum foil before      refrigerating will remain fresh for weeks.

8.  Remove bitterness from karela- Slit it from the middle and rub a mixture of salt,      wheat flour and curd over it. Keep aside for 1/2 an hour and then cook.

9.  Stop potatoes from rotting- Potatoes rot quickly if stored near onions.To prevent      potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes.

10.Avoid potatoes/cauliflower discoloration- While boiling potatoes and cauliflower     add a few drops of vinegar to the water to keep their original white color.

11.Skin whole tomatoes easily- Put tomatoes in boiling water, cover and keep aside      for a few minutes. Remove and peel off the skin easily.

12.Keep bananas fresh for longer time- After bananas have ripened, store in the       refrigerator to help slow down ripening. The skin will turn dark brown, but this does
      not damage the fruit inside.

13.Keep chillies fresh for longer time- While storing green chilies, remove the stems.

14. Better way to clean vegetables- Clean Vegetables & make them germ free by        adding some salt or vinegar drops while washing them.    

15.Make ripe tomatoes firm again- Dip tomatoes in cold water, add some salt and      leave overnight.  


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Try Patel Brothers Gourmet pickles. Available in a mouth-watering variety, our Gourmet Pickles are seen at more and more dining tables in Australia.

Mix ginger-garlic paste, green chilli paste and some water with spinach. Pressure cook it for about 7-8 minutes (just before the first whistle).

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